Hang Your Art the Right Way

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Artwork is an essential element of any home décor. Not only does it add visual interest and aesthetic appeal to your living space, but it also reflects your personality and style. Artwork is a form of expression that can evoke emotions, spark conversation, and create a sense of harmony in your home. However, many people struggle with where to hang their artwork and how high to place it. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of artwork in home décor and why you should hang it low.

The Importance of Artwork in Home Décor

Artwork is an excellent way to add colour, texture, and character to your home. It can create a focal point in a room, tie together different design elements, or create a mood or atmosphere.

Artwork can also help to showcase your personal style and interests, and it can be a great conversation starter when guests visit your home.

In addition to the aesthetic benefits of artwork, it can also have a positive impact on your mental health and well-being. Research has shown that art can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. Artwork can also provide comfort and familiarity, making your home feel more welcoming and inviting.

Right Way of Hanging Your Art Work

When it comes to hanging artwork for décor, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Here are some general guidelines to help you hang your artwork in the right way:

  1. Choose the right wall: The first step in hanging artwork is to choose the right wall. Look for a wall that is uncluttered and free from distractions, and that will allow your artwork to stand out.
  2. Determine the placement: Once you have chosen the wall, you’ll need to determine where on the wall you want to hang the artwork. As mentioned earlier, it’s generally a good idea to hang artwork at eye level, which is around 56 inches from the floor.
  3. Choose the right hanging hardware: Make sure to choose the right hanging hardware for your artwork. This will depend on the size and weight of the piece, as well as the type of wall it will be hanging on. Use a level to ensure that your artwork is straight.
  4. Consider grouping: If you have multiple pieces of artwork, you may want to consider grouping them together. This can create a cohesive and visually interesting display. When grouping artwork, try to keep the spacing between each piece consistent.
  5. Consider the overall balance: When hanging artwork, it’s important to consider the overall balance of the room. Make sure that the artwork is proportional to the size of the room and that it complements the other elements of the décor.
  6. Don’t overcrowd: Finally, be careful not to overcrowd the wall with too many pieces of artwork. This can make the space feel cluttered and overwhelming. Instead, choose a few key pieces that will make a statement and enhance the overall look of the room.
Why You Should Hang Artwork Low

When it comes to hanging artwork, many people assume that it should be placed at eye level. However, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, hanging artwork too high can make it feel disconnected from the rest of the room and can make the ceiling appear lower than it actually is.

Hanging artwork low, on the other hand, can create a more intimate and inviting atmosphere. It can also make your ceilings appear higher and your walls appear larger. When hanging artwork low, aim to have the center of the piece at around 56 inches from the floor. This is the average eye level for most people and will ensure that the artwork is easily visible and accessible.

Another benefit of hanging artwork low is that it can create a sense of balance and proportion in your space. By placing artwork closer to the furniture, you can create a cohesive and harmonious look that ties everything together.

Artwork is an essential element of home décor that can add visual interest, personality, and well-being benefits to your living space. When it comes to hanging artwork, remember to aim for the right placement to create a more intimate and inviting atmosphere, and to create balance and proportion in your space. With these tips, you can create a beautiful and functional living space that reflects your unique style and personality.